Workflow: about the project lifecycle
work flow sequence life cycle lifecycle
project progresses
through various stages. This is the
workflow or
Everyone will have different workflows depending
requirements. There is, though, a basic model which Ensembling
Not an editor
Ensembling isn't an editing tool. You continue to use whichever
are the most appropriate tools for the job, tools you already
Colleagues may
use different tools: one might use Microsoft Word and another
OpenOffice to open the same document.
Source materials
There's loosely four kinds of material:
- a clean slate: no draft documents have yet been produced, but
you'd like to invite suggestions (for example, when compiling an
agenda, preparing a shopping list or asking for ideas for a course
syllabus). We call this
- supporting materials: there may be information which informs the
final piece but isn't part of it. For example, you may be composing a
letter in reply to some article or letter. You may want to put this
alongside the developing reply. Indeed people may want to comment on
this original before the reply even gets started, for example to point
out how particular suggestions should be responded to.
- source materials: these files are edited to produce
revisions. Sometimes these are commented on directly (Word documents
or JPEG images for example) but other times, though you can store any
kind of file, Ensembling can't produce a picture of the pages for
you, so you just see a place holder. In this case you'll also
- secondary materials: you can almost always produce a PDF file or
in some cases an image or images from the source which can be used to
make comments. It can be helpful if both are stored so everything is
on one place, but comments can be made on the secondary file and the
comments incorporated into the source and another secondary file
The distinctions are a bit gray, however. Sometimes you'd work on a
Word document until ready and then produce a PDF as the finished
A typical workflow
- A new publication is started by creating a project folder or a folder within an existing project
project. Placeholder folders and documents could also be created at
this point anticipating the structure of the piece.
- If the content is not defined at a pre-draft stage, you can invite
contributions on what should be included. This is a brainstorming document, a near-blank
page or template where suggestions can be placed collectively.
- Supporting materials, if any, are uploaded as a document. Colleagues review these and make
comments to inform the first draft.
- Or invitations for people not participating int he project can be
sent to submit files via a public URL or by email. This is a dead letterbox.
Someone writes a first draft and uploads it to a new document or
one of the placeholder documents prepared earlier, and invites
Colleagues mark up the draft with their comments.
Pictures and diagrams to go into the final piece are also
collected (as documents). At this stage they may not be embedded in
the text, especially as the text and pictures may go forward to be
combined using a page layout program.
A sub-editor (possibly the same person as the contributor) reviews the comments and decides which to
accept and which to reject. Because comments can be marked with
various such statuses, just as the editor can review the comments in a
logical order, so the author can incorporate the accepted changes by
scanning through the comments.
The author (or someone else) then uses to retrieve the first draft and
incorporates the accepted comments into it. They then upload the
second draft using .
Comments are invited on this next draft, and so on until whoever's
job it is to decide is happy with the result.
That may be the final publications, but in the case of a book or
magazine it is more likely that these materials will then be
incorporated into a page layout or web site. The composited document
would then be presented for review and comment in the same way, and
drafts produced until satisfactory.
Completion can be indicated approving the final piece.
If the piece needs to be printed, the file can be published for collection.