About Voting
like dislike vote votes
A vote can be called by
an editor
for project participants to say which of the documents in a folder
they prefer.
For example, you've got three pictures which are candidates for the
cover of your next publication. You can invite people to choose which
is their preference to inform your decision.
Starting a vote
To initiate a vote use (on
the menu) for the folder containing
the documents you want to decide between. You can
allow people to have only one choice or express a preference for
several. You can say when the vote is to end (or leave it as
open-ended), and you can have email sent to everyone to let them know
about the vote.
Voting applies only to the documents within the folder it is
applied to, not in any sub-folders.
You can see that
How do people actually vote?
Once a vote has been called for a folder, each document in that
folder (not in any sub-folders) has
a button added to the menu.
If they only have one vote each, then pressing the button votes for
that document (which then changes
to so they can change their
But if they have more than one vote, this is a menu of choices so
they can express a preference (strong or not) for or against the
How's the vote going?
Once a vote has been called,
choose again (or press the

indicator) to
see the current score and who has voted for what. You can also stop
the vote (early, if you gave it a deadline) from this panel (and once
stopped, restart voting again with a new deadline, or cancel it
Though only editors can initiate a vote, anyone can see the results by
pressing the indicator button.
What happens when the voting is over?
Once the deadline is reached or you stop the vote manually,
the buttons are removed. You can see
the final tally in the form.
You have the option to re-open voting at that stage, but if you
want to start an entirely new vote from scratch in that folder you
have to press the delete vote button on the form.
I forgot how I voted
As well as the aggregate votes
in , when you look at a folder which
has a vote in progress the number of votes cast for each document is
show aongside the thumbnail, and of those votes how many are